Negative Pleasure is pleased to announce the latest installment of our ongoing series, the Felony Comics Crime Spree, in celebration of the debut of Felony Comics #3, an anthology of underground crime comics featuring new work by Brigid Deacon, Ben Passmore, Pete Toms, Thomas Slattery, Amy Searles and Harris Smith, with a cover by Kid Space Heater creator Josh Burggraf and a never before seen pin-up of Michel Fiffe’s Copra!
For such a monumentously criminal undertaking, we have dug deep into the annals of cinematic crime and unearthed two little seen tales of delinquent malefaction. All shows $5, make an evening of it.
Dir. Ferde Grofé Jr, 1971
USA, 95 min.
In English.
In this post-Western, neo-noir heist film, a cadre of bearded thieves, each identified only by number, with no name, conspire to rob an entire town. Clad in black jumpsuits and wielding submachine guns, they have little trouble taking the whole village’s populace hostage, but Sheriff Pete Anderson isn’t going to take that kind of antisocial behavior lying down. Outmanned, outgunned, and with the lives of his family, friends and constituency at risk, Anderson fights back! Starring noir veteran Richard Egan (SLAUGHTER ON 10TH AVENUE) and venerable Borchst Belt comedian Jan Murray (aka Uncle Raymond on “My Two Dads”).
Dir. Alan Kuskowski, 1988
USA/Mexico, 86 min.
in English.
Featuring one of the last performances by once-great character actor Aldo Ray, DRUG RUNNERS hits all the marks a low-budget 80’s action thriller oughta. The bad guys are bad, the good guys play by their own rules. There are sports cars, blazing Uzis, big hair, desperate chases across the Mexican border and a flustered chief who’s getting way too old for this shit. The specifics, if they matter, involve a hotshot Mexican cop and his beautiful partner infiltrating a ruthless smuggling carter in a mission that’s more out for vengeance than justice. Gunfights ensue. Directed by Alan Kuskowski (FIRST STRIKE).
Dir. J. Shaybany, 1986
USA/Persia, 72 min.
In heavily dubbed English.
Written by the enigmatically named Shield, this US-Persian co-production features yet another cop-on-the-edge squaring off against yet another band of ruthless drug dealers, this time set against the racial tensions set off by the Iran hostage crisis. Shot without sound and weirdly overdubbed, Revolt is a schizophrenic mess of a movie (i.e. perfect for a Spectacle midnight) that can’t decide whether it’s a hard-hitting, socially conscious crime drama or a goofy, lighthearted action comedy. Fortunately, the filmmakers lacked the ability to appropriately orchestrate either, and the result is a near-hallucinatory mess of inscrutable plot developments and character flourishes. Whatever the intent, Revolt is one of the most consistently entertaining hidden gems of 1980s action cinema!